Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Haunted Places In Virginia

The Byrd Theatre, Richmond
The ghost of the prior manager of the Byrd Theatre, Robert Colter is sometimes seen in the balcony of this old theatre. The ladies room on the main level also has unusual things happen like lights going out and doors opening and closing by themselves. Loud footsteps come from the backstage area.

Woodlawn Plantation, Alexandria, VA
The mansion here built in 1805) was part of George Washington's Mount Vernon estate. Numorous ghost sightings have been reported here by guests and his spirit is said to roam here.

Bull Run Battlefield, Manassas
At Cobblestone Bridge Civil war ghost soldiers patrol this bridge, and the area around it.

The Martha Washington Inn, Abingdon, VA
The ghost of a woman haunts the place and is said to be looking for her lover. Even though the carpeting is changed in a certain area it keeps being stained with blood. Civil war soldiers were here and it may have been a temporary hospital at that time.

Walney Road, Chantilly, VA
This road in Chantilly is reported to be haunted by the spirit of a child that lost her parents in a nearby house fire. Drivers have swerved off of the road and found no one there after looking around.

Old Town Inn, Manassas
A ghost named Lucy likes to play games such as turning on faucets, tossling the beds and unplugging electrical items. She haunts room #52, but roams in and out of other rooms too.

Old Town Hall, Manassas
Built in 1914, this building is said to be haunted by the spirit of a 1930s prisoner who had committed suicide. Doors opening and slamming shut. Employees there are sometimes locked inside of rooms.

Weems-Botts House
In Dumfries they restored a house in the early 70's and apparently awoke some ghosts. Curtains are torn down, beds are messed up after being made and a confederat soldies has been seen moving down the halls.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Haunted Places In Oregon

Hot Lake Hotel
Hot Lake Hotel was recently bought and in the procedure of being rennovated into a
functioning spa, the holiday resort was constructed in the early 1900's and a good percentage was burned down in a fire in 1934. After that it was utilized as a hotel then an mental hospital, before finally becoming a rest home in the 1970's. Accounts of an apparition piano playing, footsteps in the abandoned hallways and doors opening and shutting by themselves. There's also a chair that always mysteriously comes back to the same place regardless where in the building it's put, and it never appears to get dust-covered.

The Falcon Apartments
Two spirits have appeared often in this building’s hall, near the postboxes and the manager’s apartment. The ghosts are said to be two previous occupants of the apartments: Mr. Cooke, who always kept an eye on and fixed the mailboxes. The other was James, who always had a fear of dying alone. Mr. Cooke died in 1989, and appears to have never left. He has been spotted where his chair once stood, and walking down the hallway. In 1994, the building was devastated by a series of fires. The first fire left a circular burn spot on the very location that Mr. Cooke used to sit on during his human life. Jimmy kept to himself during his years at the apartment complex, and would talk to various other tenants as they went by. Different than his wish of having someone to look out for him, he passed away alone. He's often seen seated where his seat once was. Several ghostlike occurrences have happened on the property like rapping on the doors, slamming of locked mailboxes, and several others in apartment 101, which some suppose can be ascribed to a third ghost. The ghosts of Mr. Cooke and James have never been seen together.

Coos Bay Bridge
Although there have been several suicides by jumping off of this bridge there was no paranormal activity reported until the fall of 2009. A driver (with 2 others in the car with her were driving over the bridge at night and saw a woman in sweatpants/sweatshirt standing by the rail as they passed, the driver looked in the rearview mirror and the 2 passengers turned around to see the lady just vanish. The driver stopped and they went back to find nothing. "She had long black hair, she seemed so real, my wife is still shook up", said the driver. In January of 2008 a logging truck almost wrecked on the bridge when he saw a woman appear right in front of his rig around dusk and slammed on his brakes. Shaken and knowing he ran her over he stopped traffic as he frantically look under and around the big truck. He found nothing. "She was there, period. I know what I saw. She had long black hair, she was looking right at me our eyes met, this is (expletive) creepy."
Over the years reports of orbs under, and around the bridge have been reported.

Forest Grove
Knight Hall
The hall, which now houses the University?s Music Department, was once a private, three-story dwelling. After the home was converted for the university, a ghost that has been named Vera would move through the halls, singing, and playing the piano. Allegedly, the stories were confirmed in 1979 by a group of young reporters. One of the reporters began to play the piano and Vera repeatedly said, “Please stop.” The reporters left and returned the next night with more friends. When they again started to play the piano, Vera is said to have released a loud sigh.

The White Eagle Cafe
This former brothel, hotel, and boarding house has many mysterious legends in its history. In one instance, it is alleged that a waitress was going to the basement and felt someone push her-twice. Falling down the stairs, she got the attention of the bartender and bouncer. When the two reached the bottom of the stairs, they discovered a mop and bucket had been thrown down after then. In another, one of the former owners reported hearing someone upstairs crying. When he went upstairs to see what was going on, the crying was so strong, the hairs on his back
were raised. The man ran across the street and saw a glowing figure in the window from whence the crying came. No one has been near that room in thirteen years. Presently, there are reports of flushing toilets, whispering voices, moving furniture, and loose change with mint dates over forty years old.

Mason’s Cemetery
It is alleged that a male witch was buried here after he seduced many of the married women of the town. It is said that if people go to the cemetery, a spirit will stand next to them and cause a cool breeze to creep up their leg.

Old Gem Theater
Phantom foosteps, doorhandles turning, and a whitish figure roaming around the seats have all been described in the lower level of the theater.

Baker City
Geiser Grand Hotel
Sounds of phantom parties being held on the 2nd floor. Ghostly ladies have been seen coming down the stairway.

Elgin High School
Sounds of running and basketballs bouncing have been heard by teachers, students and custodians in the gymnasium at night.

Elgin Opera House
Haunted by two men who were killed in a dual on the front steps in the late 1800's.

Enterprise-Elk's Lodge

Reports of ghostly happening reported by various employees throughout the years. Phenomena includes ratting bar glasses and ice in the ice bins, loud bangs coming from the kitchen area, a peson coughing, and various electrical problems when trying to vaccum or turn on lights. A young women's apparition has also been seen in the upstairs bar area, and was mistaken for a customer until she simply disappeared into thin air.

Wallowa Memorial Hospital
Reports by staff members of a wheelchair rolling down the hall by itself, as well as the heavy wooden doors opening by themselves.

Our Little Store
The ghost of a little girl has been seen by staff members as she tries to get chips off of the shelves. Bags of chips are continuously found laying in the aisles.

Toma's Restaurant
Haunted by "Fred" who has appeared as an older gentleman in a flannel shirt. Numerous low temperature spots, and mischievous actions have been described from previous employees. The ghost of "Fred" has possibly found a new home at the Enterprise Elk's Lodge via the moving of some pieces of furniture from Tomas to The Elks.

Malheur Butte
Near the butte and outlying regions, little shadowy creatured have been witnessed after nighttime. A woman was purportedly pursued from the area by an apparition of a dog. The sightings are believed to be induced by the witches that used to assemble in that location.

Griswold School
Dr. Griswold and his wife have both been seen peering out the left window in the gym.

At the Dollar Tree Store, reports of the toys being played with and unseen voices in there at night and during the day with customers present.

La Grande
Candy Cane Park
A murdered woman was reported to haunt the carousel until it was taken away some years ago. She's now said to haunt the surrounding park benches and swings.

Cement Plant in Lime
Accounts of spooky growling and apparations that follow folks around. Objects seem to travel by themselves, as they're always in different positions when re-entering a room.

At the Underpass near the Sugar Factory, Footless apparitions are seen lining the walls anytime after dark out of the corner of your eyes, but cannot be seen when directly looked at. Also a creature 7 feet tall with no feet and red eyes is reported to rap on windows and wake the people sleeping inside.

Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute
Previously used as an mental institution, guards have reported people yelling "help" when on one is near.

Pendleton Arts Center
Previously a library, its said to be haunted by a librarian who commited suicide over a romance. She is ofter seen peering out of the windows, and when it was a library used to toss the books off of the shelves.

Pendleton High School Audiorium
Ghost of a former pupil has been seen in the light loft and in seat J-26. Brian has also known to pass across the stage, and during performances, moves set pieces as crazy laughter is heard.

Pioneer Park
Formerly a cemetery, feeling of being watched and cold breezes have occured.

Strange noise and a woman's faint cries or screams for help have been reported.
Umatilla Walmart-A ghost has been reported in the Garden Center.

Carnegie Library-Strange sounds have been heard in the cellar, and up the stairs, in the main library, others have reported a feeling of being followed.

La Grande
Hot Lake Hotel is said to be a hairy place to be at night as laughter and crying are heard as well as blood on the doorknobs.

Skerjanec Ranch
Accounts of a man constantly being seen sitting on an old stump or walking about. Also sounds of thumps and bumps in the rooms, and electrical problems have been reported. People hanging from the trees were reported by a visitor.

Wallowa Lake State Park
Wallowa Lake State Park Community Center
Spooky activity has been reported here.

Wallowa Lake Lodge
Employees refuse to go into the basement by themselves because of the feeling of dread they get when they are down there. Crying in the dark corners and fingers on peoples hair were reported more than once.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Haunted Places In Baltimore

Edgar Allen Poe House
Veiled in myth and melancholy, Poe's life and death has held a fascination for many in Baltimore, where he experienced his first success and where he died of "congestion of the brain" in 1849. He lived here with his cousin, Virginia, and his aunt, Maria, from 1832 to 1835. While living in Baltimore, he wrote one of his first horror stories, "Berenice," as well as "MS Found in a Bottle," which he submitted to the Baltimore Saturday Visitor, winning a $50 prize. He spent most of his time here at 203 Amity Street, which is open to the public for limited periods on the weekends.
Sightings of Poe over the years have been reported.
The house stands next to the Edgar Allen Poe Homes, the first public housing project in Baltimore, and stories abound about the spirit of "Mr. Eddie," who watches over the house and nearby neighborhood. Some have even reported seeing a woman's ghost in the house.

Poe was buried in Westminster Church Cemetery at Fayette and Green, a short walk from the Amity Street house. Fans and friends of Poe erected a proper monument in 1875 - the original stone was destroyed in a freak train accident - with money raised by Western Female High School schoolteacher Sarah Sigourney Rice and local school children (assisted by a generous donation from a local citizen).

You can visit the grave between dawn and dusk - Virginia and Mrs. Clemm are also buried there. Every year a mysterious person brings a bottle of cognac and a single red rose. On Halloween fans gather for an evening of readings, complete with tours of the catacombs under the church. Both the house and cemetery are located in the western side of downtown Baltimore, an area easily accessible by bus. (For information on the graveyard, call 410-706-2072).

Traditionally, visitors leave a few coins on the grave. You might want to take along a package of Tender Vittles to feed the number of cats that have taken it upon themselves to watch over the cemetery. Among them is a young black cat that sometimes suns himself on the grass.

Inner Harbor
At the Inner Harbor, you can feast your eyes on Harborplace, have a snack, cool off by the water, and indulge in a bit of ghosthunting. The USS Constellation, which saw service from 1854 through the Civil War and until World War II, has been restored and is open again to the public for tours. While you're walking around this magnificent ship, which helped to break up the slave trade and transported food to help famine victims in Ireland, keep a lookout for apparitions.

Back in 1955, a photograph, taken by a Naval lieutenant commander and published in Baltimore's local newspaper, The Sun, seems to show a figure standing on the deck - perhaps the spirit of a young Naval officer or seaman who lost his life in service to his country. Those who've followed the Constellation's history tell a story of a priest who went on the ship by himself and was guided around by an older man with a great knowledge of the ship. He later found out that no such person worked as a guide.
Other folks have reported hearing "strange noises" and seeing "strange shapes." Two great scholars of the supernatural, Hans Holzer, ghosthunter, and Sybil Leek, self-proclaimed witch, both visited the ship to commune with the spirits. You can do the same or just enjoy walking the deck of this ship, which has survived pitch battles and the ravages of time. Bring your camera and see if you can catch a glimpse of the spirits on film.

Fort McHenry
Perhaps no landmark is more precious to Baltimore than Fort McHenry, where a battle that marked a turning point not only in Maryland's history, but in America's history, took place. At Fort McHenry the ill-equipped, overmatched American forces held out against the British Army and Navy and saved the new young nation in the War of 1812.
Everyone knows the story of the young lawyer, Francis Scott Key, who, while detained aboard a treaty ship in the harbor, saw that the flag still flew over the embattled fort and wrote the song that would later become our national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Not many know about young Lieutenant Levi Claggett, one of the casualties of the battle - killed, with several of his men, during the shelling of his gun emplacement. He could be one of the spirits haunting the old fort.
During the Civil War many people were detained in the dungeons, which are open today for viewing. One is reported to have killed himself while there. He may be another unquiet spirit.
Rangers at the Fort report hearing footsteps, windows being opened and closed, doors slamming. They've allegedly seen lights turned back on after they've turned them off. No one speaks officially about the haunting, but many people believe that spirits reside there. Even if all the reports can be explained away logically, they still give one pause. Fort McHenry can be wonderfully eerie, especially when you look into the cells or the quarters and see the places where people resided for long periods.

Greenmount Cemetery
The Greenmount Cemetery has its share of strange phenomena, both confirmed and unconfirmed. For instance, Allen Dulles, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency, is buried there.
In addition, Jacques Kelly, a local historian and writer, is rumored to have once been locked in at the Greenmount Cemetery.

Fells Point

Ghosts are also rumored to walk the streets of Fells Point. One is either Edward or William Fell, namesakes and founders of the area. One of the brothers has been spotted, according to neighborhood legend, roaming Shakespeare Street after last call.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Haunted Places In Hollywood

Hollywood horror movies are frightening, but the town’s real-life ghost stories are perhaps even scarier. The spirits of departed actors and actresses have been sighted inside Hollywood studios, near abandoned homes and lots, and roaming near iconic monuments. We’ve dug up the spine-tingling details of some of Tinseltown’s most notorious haunted places.

Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
The Hollywood Roosevelt has seen decades of movie stars walk through its doors, including Greta Garbo and Will Rogers. When the hotel was renovated for the first time in the mid-1980s, strange things started happening. In December 1985, cold spots were noticed in the Blossom Room, site of the 1929 Academy Awards banquet. The Roosevelt has called in psychics to evaluate the chilly presences, and some believe the ghost of an unknown man dressed in black is the culprit.

Paramount Studios
Paramount Studios has long been associated with ghost sightings and other spooky happenings. Many people attribute the ghosts to nearby Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery. The sound of knocking and the echoes of footsteps have been heard inside studio buildings, while various stages have had pieces of equipment break down or malfunction. And inside the Hart building, men—never women—have reported seeing the ghost of a woman wearing rose-scented perfume.
According to one former employee, Stage 19 is haunted by Heather O’Rourke, the young actress from the “Poltergeist” movies. Another forum poster wrote about a security guard who encountered the ghost of actor Rudolph Valentino while on patrol in the Paramount Back Lot.

The Houdini Mansion
Unsurprisingly, mysterious magician Harry Houdini features prominently in Hollywood’s haunted tales. After Houdini’s mansion in the Hollywood Hills was destroyed in a 1959 brush fire, all that was left were walls, chauffeur’s quarters, and part of the garage. Since then, the structure has continued to deteriorate; today, only ruins remain, and Houdini’s ghost has been spotted among them. The area is especially popular on Halloween night, when some have reported Houdini’s ghost standing on a staircase or walking in what once was the garden. According to American Hauntings, Houdini and his wife Bess had discussed plans to reunite after death, fueling speculation that Harry is trying to reach her.

Hollywood Sign
In 1932, struggling actress Peg Entwistle leaped to her death from the “H” in the Hollywood sign. According to, reports of Entwistle’s spirit “walking up Beachwood Canyon Road to the Hollywood Sign” continue today. Others report seeing a woman in 1930s garb vanishing into thin air near the sign.
Haunted Extras
Creepy, the Los Angeles Halloween blog, provides a map of haunted spots around town. Click on a ghost or skeleton icon for details of each sinister locale, as well as driving directions.

The 1989 film “Search for Haunted Hollywood” presents the most ghost-frequented places in Los Angeles, and “shows some ghost hunters at work,” according to The New York Times. In the film, actors and paranormal experts also share their haunted experiences in Hollywood.

Haunted Places In Boston

If you’re planning an autumn visit to Boston for steaming bowls of chowder and cool October air, don’t neglect the city’s haunted highlights. Boston is a haven for ghosts and spirits, too, and they’re lurking almost everywhere. We’ve selected the city’s creepiest locales, from Boston Common to Boston Harbor. And if that’s not spooky enough, there’s always Salem.
Gallows Rumor
This most unfortunate form of punishment, death by noose, has let loose a spate of paranormal presences in two of Boston’s best-known destinations.

Boston Public Park
Beantown’s renowned public park has a storied past. Beginning in the 1630s, the Boston Common land was used for livestock grazing and hosted various official events, including parades and military drills. But that’s not all. Hangings were also held at Boston Common, most notably the 1660 hanging of Mary Dyer along with three other Quakers. Initially, offenders were hanged from a tree, but from 1769 until 1817, gallows were used.

Georges Island
Meanwhile, in Boston Harbor, Georges Island is a haunted reminder of the Civil War. On the island was Fort Warren, a prison for confederate soldiers that was known for its eerie dungeons. One prisoner, Andrew Lanier, was nearly saved by his wife, who traveled up from Georgia, dressed as a man, to rescue him. But in an absurd turn of events, she was caught, accidentally shot and killed her husband, and was then hanged for her crimes. Since then, she’s roamed the island in a black dress, attempting to strangle people, and has shown up in the background of photographs taken there.

Haunted Buildings
The Omni Parker House Hotel has hosted guests and ghosts since the 1940s. According to former bellman John Brehm, the ghost of the hotel’s owner, Harvey Parker, first appeared at the Omni in 1941.

“They used to say he roamed the halls on the tenth-floor annex,” Brehm told the Boston Globe in a 1992 interview, according to the Omni Hotels Web site. For instance, one elderly female guest was given a fright when a “heavy set older man with a black mustache,” similar in appearance to Parker, confronted her and then disappeared.

Some say Parker’s ghost is a sign of how meticulous he was about “every detail of his restaurant and hotel operations.” So concerned was Parker with the hotel’s perfection, that he still cannot “really bring himself to leave,” reports the Omni Web site.

Majestic Theater
Students at Emerson College remain loyal to the Majestic Theater, despite the building’s shroud of spirits. Emerson undergrads have reported chair movement and power outages at crucial and suspicious moments during performances and rehearsals. In fact, students still say, “excuse me” when passing empty chairs thought to be occupied by ghosts. The sound booth and third balcony are reputedly the most haunted, but beware of the backstage area and dressing rooms, as well.
Salem Spirits
If Boston isn’t scary enough for you, Salem will neatly fill the bill.. Known for its famous witch trials and spine-tingling tales brought to life by Nathaniel Hawthorne, this small town was practically made for Halloween.

Get acquainted with Salem witches by visiting historic sites, such as the Witch House, where accused witches were checked for “witches’ marks.” Salem’s museums are also a perfect place to get your haunted fix. Try the classic Salem Witch Museum, or the Witch Dungeon Museum, where you’ll witness a live reenactment of a 1692 witch trial and be guided through the depths of the dungeon.

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic novel, “The House of the Seven Gables,” lives on in Salem. Hawthorne used to visit his cousin Susan Ingersoll at the actual house, where he was inspired to pen the novel. The house has a haunted reputation, with tales of Ingersoll’s ghost appearing in hallways and windows, while “a ghostly boy” is said to haunt the attic. Strange sounds are common, as well.

Visit the house during October for performances and tours, where you may cross paths with the ghosts of Hawthorne’s characters. Squeeze through the secret passageway to feel the chill thrill.

Haunted Places In New Orleans

New Orleans is a haven for fun-loving revelers, but beneath the surface of this colorful coastal city lay ghosts and spirits—perhaps more than in any other city in the United States. We’ve narrowed down New Orleans’ plethora of scary places to six, including a hauntingly beautiful cemetery, an alleyway with a past and a bar beloved by Tennessee Williams.

St. Luis Cemetary

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans is also the most haunted. St. Luis #1 “is a grand European mixture of ornate marble tombs, crumbling memorials and narrow, winding footpaths,” according to Haunted America Tours. But that’s not all. Because of high water levels in New Orleans, which made underground burials difficult, St. Louis No. 1 (there’s also a No. 2) is home to many above-ground tombs and mausoleums. Stroll the “maze-like” grounds and you’re likely to hear sad cries from within the crypts, and see misty ghosts roaming about. Marie Laveau, known as the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, is the most feared ghost in the cemetery, often appearing to visitors as a black cat with red eyes.

One of New Orleans’ most disturbing haunted places is the Lalauries House, purchased by Dr. and Mme. Lalaurie in 1831. The couple was later accused of beating and mutilating slaves in the attic, according to Suite 101, and a mysterious locked room was another strange characteristic of the home. After the Lalauries fled, the home fell prey to a fire, and ghostly presences descended once it was restored. Some visitors saw a phantom Mme. Lalaurie bent over a baby’s crib, while others claimed they awoke to the woman choking them. In 1969, a retired doctor bought the home and converted it into apartments, quelling the spirits for the most part.

Pere Antoine's Alley
Pere Antoine was a Capuchin monk who arrived in New Orleans with the Spanish regime, and was steadfastly devoted to the city and his church, St. Louis Cathedral. When Antoine died in January 1829, “all New Orleans went into mourning,” according to Haunted New Orleans Tours. His funeral turned into a grand ceremony, and while many considered him a saint, others could not shake his former bigotry against Creoles. Today, visitors to the alley running alongside St. Louis Cathedral report seeing Pere Antoine’s ghost, “clad in Capuchin black and sandals,” usually during quiet, early morning hours.

Cafe Lafitte in Exile

Not only is Cafe Lafitte in Exile a popular gay bar in New Orleans’ French Quarter, it's also haunted by a literary great. The paranormal blog Spooked reports that the two-story watering hole was a favorite of Tennessee Williams. Today, visitors claim to have seen a ghostly Williams in his usual seat at “the far end of the bar.” Truman Capote also frequented Cafe Lafitte, and his spirit has been seen in the bar’s stairwell, looking for conversation.

Le Pavilion Hotel

Ghost enthusiast visitors to New Orleans might consider a stay at Le Pavilion, a quaint and classic French hotel. Spirits have long roamed the hallways, and the hotel even “hired a paranormal research team” to assess the spooky situation, according to Associated Content. Among the presences is a young girl whose name remains uncertain—either Eva, Ave or Ada—who was killed in a carriage hit-and-run in the mid 1800s. The hotel’s cleaning crew has also been stalked by the ghost of a dark-suited man, thought to be one half of an aristocratic couple detected by the paranormal investigators.

The Beauregard-Keyes House

Shiloh was a two-day Civil War battle in which rebel soldiers from New Orleans were led by General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard. Thousands perished, and the general was distraught over having to withdraw. Ever since then, visitors to the Beauregard-Keyes House have seen apparitions of the bloody battlefield. Others have spotted the ghost of General Beauregard, fully dressed in Civil War garb, despondent and repeatedly whispering, “Shiloh.”

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Haunted New York

Chelsea Hotel, NYC
Many souls have checked in but never checked out of this landmark hotel in the Big Apple. Dylan Thomas, Eugene O'Neill and Thomas Wolfe have all been spotted as apparitions here. In the elevator the ghost of Sid Vicious (the Sex Pistols lead bassist, who died of a heroin overdose) is reported to appear there from time to time.

At Greenwich Village’s restaurant, One if by Land, Two if by Sea, the ghosts are not limited to the bar area. This former carriage house was once owned and operated by Vice President Aaron Burr. He and his daughter, Theodosia (who was supposedly
kidnapped by pirates and forced to walk the plank), haunt patrons and staff; one maitre d’ quit after being shoved up and down the stairs every night by invisible hands, and numerous women claim to have had their earrings pulled off by Theodosia while sitting at the bar.

Morris-Jumel Mansion
Built in 1765, the Morris-Jumel Mansion, located at 175 Jumel Terrace in Washington Heights, is the oldest house in Manhattan.
Eliza and Stephen Jumel took control of the house in 1810. Their marriage was quite tumultuous, as Eliza was supposedly having an affair with former Vice President Aaron Burr. (Perhaps in the upstairs rooms of One if By Land, Two if By Sea?) In 1832, Stephen died as he "mysteriously" fell on a pitchfork. Without
wasting any time, Eliza married Aaron Burr. Eliza and Burr divorced three years later and Burr died not long after. Eliza's mental state deteriorated; she became a recluse, and she was a frightening sight to behold, with false teeth, unkempt hair, soiled clothing, and ungainly large feet. Finally, dementia took her and her babbling drove away even the staunchest relative."After her death,Eliza was allegedly seen wandering about the property in a white dress, producing spine-tingling noises. When a psychic went to the mansion and purportedly summoned the spirit of Stephen Jumel, the spirit said that he was murdered and buried
The City of New York took control of the museum in 1904, and tours
have been fraught with ghost sightings ever since. A famous
sighting occurred in 1964 when Eliza, wearing a violet dress,
supposedly appeared to some schoolchildren and yelled at them to
"shut up!"

Palace Theater
The Palace Theater was the center of the vaudeville universe in the
early 20th century, attracting acts from across the country; today,
it hosts Broadway's best and brightest. The Theater is said to be
home to at least 100 ghosts, including that of Judy Garland, who
once performed there. Acrobat Louis Borsalino fell to his death during a performance at
the Palace. But maybe you don't want to catch a glimpse of his ghost;
those who do are rumored to die shortly thereafter.
St. Paul’s ChapelGeorge Frederick Cooke, a prolific British actor who died of
alcoholism in 1812, was buried on the grounds of St. Paul's Chapel.
Not so wierd unless you consider that he was buried
without a head. Cooke donated his skull to science to pay medical
bills though it supposedly made its way into a stage production of Hamlet. Cooke was laid to rest sans cranium and, according to legend, haunts the chapel and churchyard in search of his head.

Haunted Places In Texas

Texas is a huge state and there is a lot of history there. Over the
years there have been many stories about ghosts being
seen,places being haunted, and odd lights and sounds where they
shouldn't be. If you believe in ghosts or spirits you may have
experienced or seen what you believe to be of a paranormal
You were probably alone so getting others to believe you
may have been frustrating, leaving you doubting what actually had
occured. However,there are many places that have more than one
unusual event witnessed by several over a period of years and
decades that cannot be dismissed as hoax or hysteria. It would
take an entire book to cover them all and the legends behind them,
so this is a look at some of the most well known hauntings in the
Lone Star State.

- At the Alamo in San Antonio many visitors have reported seeing
various shadows and visions as well as voices, shouting where no
one was and cold air in some of the spots inside. Close to 200
Texas fighters and many Mexicans died here.There are other
places around San Antonio as well that creepy things have

- San Antonio's Bexar Juvenile Hall has had many reports by
officers and juvenile inmates alike of smells such as wood burning
and smoke. Faces peering into the windows at night and kids
waking up at night screaming of indians in thier dorm. Part of the
place was built atop an old indian tribal burial ground.

- The old Cadillac Bar in San Antonio is said to be inhabited by a
malovent spirit. Supposedly, a woman named "bea" that used to
work there long ago.She is said to toss kitchen objects across the
room and turn on water faucets. She and the ghost of a previous
owner have been spotted many times by employees.

- In Wichita Falls there is an abandoned Mental Asylum. It has been
vacant for over 30 years yet water can be heard dripping
downstairs, yet there has been no water service there for a long
time. Ghostbusters that stayed there in the early nineties heard
footsteps,and machines running late at night as well as voices in
the walls.

Granbury,Texas Courthouse Square is reportedly haunted in many places. On occasion a figure of a man can be seen hanging from the clocktower. In the trees behind the old jail bodies were seen hanging by 3 different visitors on separate occasions. Horses can be heard in a nearby park and confederate soldiers walking around late at night.....John wilkes-Booth reportedly faked his death and resurfaced here as John St. Helens, a tavernkeeper.

- At Randolph Air Force Base,a pilot crashed his plane many years
ago. Lights can be seen at a watertower along with voices being
heard and apparitions seen in one of the buildings.

- On the Thompson Bridge in San Marcos a civil war confederate
soldier has been spotted patrolling the bridge he guarded in the

- In Victoria,Texas there is a grove of oak trees that have been the
site of many apparitions.A popular picnic spot, Suttons Mott was
named for a sheep herder that lived there in the mid 1800's. He
was murdered at a nearby church and people have reported seeing
bodies hanging from the trees, as well as loud whispering after

In Lipan, Texas there have been many reports over the years of ghosts and orbs off Starr Hollow road on WD ranch road. There have been sightings of indian spirits at Robinson creek there also.

- In Edgewood near Van Zant there is a woman that has been
picked up along the road by travelers. She gets out at a long ago
deserted house,she goes in but no lights ever go on.

-In Sweetwater,Texas there is a bed and breakfast called Mulberry
manor that was a Civil War battle hospital and later a mental
hospital. Stories of footsteps,visions of soldiers and objects being
moved around have been related by many people staying there.

-In Liberty,Texas there is an old historic place called the Ott Hotel.
During the days when oil was king in the 30's, the town prospered
as well as the 50 room inn. In the early 1990's the place was sold to
new owners and a restoration project was started. Strange things
began to happen such as loud banging, footsteps and doors
slamming. Reports of loud arguing by a couple in an empty room
have been checked on by staff only to find no one there. Guests
have reported seeing figures such as a red-headed woman,a tall
top-coated man, and a woman in a nightgown vanishing through a
door. In one of the rooms a female guest reported a spirit figure of
a man standing at the foot of her bed every evening during her stay.

What is interesting and different about this haunting is that the
hotel security cameras have shown doors slamming, sounds such
as arguing (man and woman)and an occasional gunshot. Visitors
to the hotel have captured glowing orbs and a figure of a well
dressed woman moving through a corridor. Old timers have said
there was a couple shot there in the 30's following a quarrel.

There are many other places in Texas that are believed to have
spirits wandering about. It would take years to visit them all but it
would be an interesting journey indeed.